Genealogy Project Tony

The Project includes the following family trees:

Tony and Marjana Tomazic
father Anton Tomazic mother Mirjam Kranjac
father Adolf Tomažič mother Marija Vodlan mother Stanislava Pirc father Niko Kranjac
family TOMAZIC

(14 generations)

family VODLAN

(11 generations)

family PIRC

(6 generations)

family KRANJAC

(4 generations)

Also included is Javornik family (6 generations)

Brief summary

family TOMAZIC family VODLAN family PIRC family KRANJAC

Description of the most frequent places:

Grize Podbortš Palovče Vir-Količevo Rakek

Technical details


Link to the Slovenian Genealogy

Note: the family name Tomazic is the English version of Tomažič, leaving out both carons on the letters "z" and "c". Originally it was spelled as Thomashitz, Thomazits, Tomashich, Tomashitz, etc, originating from the (first) name Tomaz, Thomas, Thoma... Probbably at one moment in history the first name of Thomas has moved to the next generation as the last name of Thomazic (young Thomas). It is quite possible that this has happened on various locations in Slovenia simultaneously, since there have been Tomazic families on different locations at the same time. This transformation has happened also to other (first to last) names in Slovenia: Peter to Petric, Pavel to Pavlic, Janez to Janezic, Florjan to Florjancic, Miklavz to Miklavcic, etc... It was perhaps accelerated by some administrative decree to invent official last names for every person in order to make various lists...

Author: Anton Tomazic

Second place of birth: Nevis