Anton Tomazic

- Ljubljana, Slovenia - 1950
- graduated lawyer (The Ljubljana Faculty of Law,
1974) with the state bar exam
- post graduated: expert for investment works
- court appointed expert for software and intelectual
- at the Republic Justice Secretary as system analyst,
1 year
- at Domzale County as legal adviser, 1 year
- at the Litostroj Corporation (Machinery) as the
legal advisor of the General Director, 12 years
- free consulting services IUS SOFTWARE, 2 years
- Member the first free elected (1990) Parliament of
Slovenia, Head of the Legislation Commision, 2 years
- founder and partner in the company IUS SOFTWARE, d.o.o. Ljubljana, Legal
and Business Information, as Head of Development, from December 1993 until
July 2003
- entrepreneur and member of the board in the
following companies: IUS SOFTWARE d.o.o. Ljubljana and INform
d.o.o. Ljubljana from 2004 -
Presentation 2
Working experiences:
- founder of the Computer Section of the Business
Lawyers Association of Ljubljana, in the year of 1986 and the leader of the
Section until 1997
- organisation of the multiple seminars, conferences
and discussions on the subject of "Lawyers and Computers"
- organisation of the annual Computer Workshop, during
the events of the Days of the Slovenian Lawyers in Portorož
- author of some of the first slovenian computer
programs for lawyers (certified as inovations) together with Mr. Marko Krecic
- participation and lecturing at some international
conferences on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Bled, Wienna, Los Angeles,
- creation of the application Legal Office, september
- leader of the project of establishing IUS-INFO, Legal
and Business Information System, april 1995, Internet version, january
- GV Tops (Best 500 companies) on CD-ROM, februar
1996, november 1996
- leader of the project of the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Slovenia on CD ROM for the years of 1995, 1996 and 1997
- Demo CD-ROM for the Days of the Slovenian Lawyers in
Portorož 1996
- founder of the Discussion list Legal Forum SLO-IUS,
december 1996
- leader of the project of the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Slovenia on the Internet, january 1997
- member of the team for the distribution of the CELEX
database - for the Slovenian administration, april 1999
- founder of the company INform, Knowledge Distribution, Ltd, july 2003 -
portal -
- author of the article Environment and Tools for
Creating Legal Documents Online, june 2005 -
article - program
- initiative for the company "Let's Donate - via
Internet! Ltd.", December 2005
- takeover of the IUS SOFTWARE
Company and GV Založba Publishing
House, february 2006
- initiative for commercial development of The Artificial Intelligence in
Law: AI-in-Law, april 2006
- initiative for the "Poslovni krog" (Business Circle) group on Facebook,
april 2008
- participation on the international conference "e-Justice & e-Law 2008"
in Portorož: text -
- participation on the international conference InfoKomTeh, october 2009 -
- Patent file for the Monitoring and Alerting Device
AlertX , november 2009
- Patent file for the Surroundings Recognition & Describing Device for
Blind People BlinX , april 2010
- Project AlertX - New Company: Attention 360 Ltd.-
DEMO video - in
- Royalton Capital
Investors II L.P acquired shares of IUS SOFTWARE from Anton Tomazic, who
reduced his shareholding to 10%. As part of the transaction, Royalton funded
a capital increase to give the group sufficient capital to make acquisitions
in other selected markets, december 2011
- "Business
as a Noble Vocation Award" winner for Europe, rewarded by the UNIAPAC
General Assembly in Bilbao, December 2019
- In 2024, he was declared an honorary member at the congress of the Nova
Slovenija party

Parmova 1,1230 Domzale, Slovenia
Home: + 386 1 72 440 72
Mobile: + 386 40 671 761


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