V božični noči se je rodila Luč. Naj vam ta luč razveseljuje pot skozi vse leto ter prinese mir in spravo vsem narodom, ki trpijo zaradi vojn in konfliktov. Naj se v tem svetu uresniči Božji načrt, ki je načrt miru in sreče.

In the Christmas night, the Light was born. May this Light illuminate your path throughout the year and bring peace and reconciliation to all nations that suffer from wars and conflicts. May God’s plan, which is a plan of peace and happiness, be fulfilled in this world!


Voščimo Vam Blagoslovljen Božič in veliko zdravja v Novem Letu 2024!

We Wish You a Merry Christmas and All the Best in the New Year of 2024!


Družina Tomažič

Tomazic Family